
2012 Pole Shift: Prophecies of the Maya & I Ching

This Discovery channel show presents good coverage of the general subject of 2012. However, the subject goes far deeper than this and goes to include two predominant theoretical predictions to the end of the world. Those two being: the Ancient Mayan civilization, and the Chinese I Ching book.

via: YouTube

So what do you guys think will happen on the December 21 2012? Is it just another useless prediction of the end of time like the recent one by Harold Camping, or is there some truth to this date?


  1. I think it'll be just like every other day. I used to have belief in these prophecies but I have changed my mind since.

  2. Same thing that happened on May 21st, or 22nd - You see I already can't remember the date, that's how insignificant it was for me.

  3. honestly this is something i do think about often, but tend to not give much serious thought. i'm looking forward to maybe having an end of the world party on the 20-21st.

  4. Well I'm posting from the afterlife, I guess you guys missed out on the May 21st rapture.

  5. i don't think i could believe it?

  6. I think those aztec people have more credibility then that loony did, however I still dont think they could have predicted the end of the earth or some such.

  7. There will be much partying at the end of the world. Then, much to our discontent, we will all wake up having to assume the same lives all over again

  8. Just an other bunch of bullshit to make money..I'll enjoy my breakfast on the 22nd december 2012 after nothing happened :D

  9. To be honest I have no idea what will happen. Will the world end? Maybe, we'll just have to wait.
